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Shop the Best Deals on Electric Vehicles & Carts in AZ

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Shop the Best Deals on Electric Vehicles & Carts in AZ

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Shop the Best Deals on Electric Vehicles & Carts in AZ

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Shop the Best Deals on Electric Vehicles & Carts in AZ

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Shop the Best Deals on Electric Vehicles & Carts in AZ

Superior Brands at the Hottest Prices

Alternative Electric Vehicles in Tolleson, AZ is a specialty retailer of electric vehicles and luxury carts from the biggest names in the industry. Our inventory boasts a vast selection of stunning performance vehicles that can meet the requirements and demands of any personal or commercial need. We can find the perfect solution for your home or business. Call for a demo and talk to our knowledgeable sales staff, who will help you find the perfect vehicle.

gray electric tomberline cart

Brands You Can Trust

For years, we have been a local and trusted provider of electric vehicles. Our sales staff works diligently to find the right solution for every customer, whether it’s for personal recreation use or commercial businesses. We work with premiere brands that combine reliability with function and style.

Your Electric Vehicle Headquarters

Buying a luxury electric vehicle or golf cart from a trusted dealer ensures you get the most value and best service while you own your vehicle. The team at Alternative Electric Vehicles is committed to providing superior customer service for our clients from the minute they walk in our door to every subsequent visit after their purchase. If you need accessories for your vehicle, we can help you get the product that is a perfect match for your ride. Don’t settle for less. Quality and luxury come in all shapes and sizes and our sales staff will help you find the best deal.

Alternative Electric Vehicles

8800 W Buckeye Rd
Tolleson, AZ 85353

General Inquiries

4 Wheels

2 Wheels

Parts & Service

Hours of Operation
Mon – Fri: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM